Memorable People - Friends and Acquaintances of Charles B. Moore

Dr. Rene Rosas Back To Menu

During the three months between college graduation and starting my Army Basic Officer's Course at Ft. Gordon, GA, I was privileged to spend much of my time with Rene Rosas, who like myself, had taken a summer job, selling automobiles for El Paso Ford. Rene was beginning his last year of dental school, and I was leaving for the Army. We became fast friends as we tried to sell Fords to people who didn't have two quarters to rub together.

When I ran for the Texas House of Representatives in 1964, Rene and his lovely wife, Irma, were some of my most active supporters. Several years later, I had the opportunity to reciprocate by helping Rene become the first Hispanic member of the Texas Dental Association (7,000 members), which he would eventually lead as their first Hispanic President.

Years later, Rene would again break down a significant barrier when he became the first Hispanic officer (Treasurer) of the American Dental Association. This Marine Corp veteran pilot has become the Dental Director for a non-profit clinic that provides essential care to needy Hispanics along the Texas/Mexico border. I consider Rene as one of God's true servants, a Prince among men, and one of my dearest friends.

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